Frequently Asked Questions

What is the training commitment

Our Sub-Juniors train during school terms on Saturday mornings.  Participants learn six routines during the three terms, and work is choreographed for the entire team to take part.  There is an expectation that members practice routines at home during the week.

What do we need for training?

  • Club leotard or similar black leotard.  The addition of leggings and a cross over top is recommended for cooler months.
  • A water bottle
  • A small, healthy snack
  • Any medication if required (such as Asthma inhaler, epipen etc)
  • A training 'aesthetic' skirt
  • Rod and clubs
  • Hair in a high bun or ponytail - fringe pinned off face

Do I have to buy costumes?

No, all the performance costumes are included in the term fees.  There is no additional sewing required.  Making Calisthenics one of the most cost-effective performance sports in WA.

When can I see my child perform?

Our team takes part in four performances during terms 1, 2 and 3.  They are:

  • Taste of the Stage (or TOTS) - held in March.  This is a very low-key concert, designed to help our younger members feel comfortable on stage, and allow parents to view the theatre (both front and back-stage) where all our Calisthenics concerts and competitions are held.
  • Betty Fitzpatrick Competition - held in late July (date to be confirmed), which is our first competition for the year against other clubs in Perth.  The children perform in full costume, and girls have their hair in a bun, with some light makeup.  The emphasis is on having fun and getting to show off what has been learnt during the first two terms.
  • State Competition - held in late August/early September (date to be confirmed).  Once again, the children perform in full costume with hair and light makeup.  Again, we compete against other clubs in Perth, but the emphasis remains on doing our best and having fun with the team.
  • Family Concert - more details to follow. 

Children are to be dropped off and picked up from inside the hall.  This assures your child's safety and enables parents to be advised of class time changes etc.  Parents are permitted to attend the first few classes until their child is settled but generally a parent attendance to a full class is not recommended.  Please be punctual at the end of class.


Do I need to volunteer?

We understand that life can be very hectic at times.  However, as we are a not-for-profit, community sporting club, we very much rely on each and every family donating a few hours of their time during the course of the year.  The jobs to be done are many and varied, and more details can be found here.  With everyone helping out a little, it means that we can keep the costs down for this amazing dance sport.

How much does it cost?

Term fees are set at the start of each year.  Fees are worked out as an annual amount, which is then invoiced in three equal portions in term 1, 2 and 3.

For competing members in 2025, participants will be required to pay the following amount:

  • Calisthenics Association of WA Affiliation (Competing) of $75. This covers insurances, music licenses and performing at the purpose-built Calisthenics Theatre in Midvale.
  • Club training fees are approximately $220 per term for Sub Juniors, Juniors and Intermediates.  These training fees include the hire of all costumes, coaching and hall hire and competition fees.
  • Purchase of a training aesthetic skirt  - $25.
  • Purchase of Club training leotard - $25.

Kidsport Funding is available through our club for those parents who hold a healthcare or pension card and who reside in a participating Council area.  This funding is to the value of $150 per year, per child.  Click here for more details.

More Questions?

If you have any more questions, please click here to be redirected to our Contact page.  We endeavour to respond to all emails within a few days.
